The founder Othman series, season four, all episodes of the founder Othman series, season fourShow storyThe series revolves around the establishment of the Ottoman Empire and its transfer from poverty and loss to strength and solidity by Osman, who is the third (and youngest) son of Ertugrul, succeeds his father after his death, and follows in his footsteps to achieve great victories, and establishes the Ottoman Empire. The series also presents the conflicts between the Ottoman Empire, the Mongols, the Tatars, the Crusaders, the Persians, and the RomansThe founder Othman series, season four, translated, all episodes of the founder Othman series, season four, founder Othman Turkish series, an enjoyable watch with the application of the founder Othman series, season fourAll episodes of the founder Othman series are added as soon as they are released. Stay connected within the application